LEAD October 2023 | Page 21

of a carry-on suitcase and had to be opened with a circular saw .
• When one of my favorite authors , Steven Pressfield , sent me an encouraging note about a book I was writing .
Not all of the best moments I wrote down were singular events . Some were things that happen frequently .
• When a new month begins , and I have a fresh thirty days at my disposal .
• Looking out the front door and seeing a package on our porch .
• Making my wife and kids laugh . it ’ s only 8 a . m . The time felt slow .
Is there any activity you enjoy doing so much that it messes with your sense of time ? The key word there is enjoy . Waiting in line at the DMV will slow down time , but you ’ d never add that to a Best Moments List . I ’ ve asked thousands of people this question over the years , and the answers come in every shape and size . For Joe Wehmann , editing videos stops the clock . For Kathryn Marie , it ’ s teaching . For Jessica Benzing Smith , it ’ s being in nature . She and her husband have walked outside 847 days in a row ! For Michael Seewer it ’ s cooking , and for Nikki Rimble it ’ s playing the piano .
I didn ’ t put any restrictions on what qualified as a best moment . I wanted it to feel like play , not a task .
The list had only one rule : It all counts .
You ’ ve probably already thought of a few best moments in your life . It ’ s an easy exercise once you get started . But to make it even easier , here are seven prompts that will spark your creativity as you search for your own best moments .
1 . Time speeds up or slows down when I __ ______________________________.
When I write , sometimes I ’ ll look up and am surprised at what time it is because it feels like the hours flew by . Sometimes it ’ s just the opposite — I get up early and am surprised at how much I ’ ve accomplished when I realize
Editing videos is my nightmare . I can barely boil water . Piano lessons felt like something my parents made me do because they hated me . But this isn ’ t my list . This is your list , so your answers will be different from mine and maybe from every example in this book .
To find a few of your own best moments , look to the clock . It will give you clues if you ask .
2 . The best job I ever had was ___________, and the reason I liked it so much was because ______________________________.
Other than running my own company , the best job I ever had was working for Dave Ramsey , a well-known personal finance expert . The reason I liked it so much was because we put on live events all over the country . In the third month of my employment , he invited me to speak to 8,000 people in an arena . That was