LEAD October 2023 | Page 20


Jon Acuff

Let ’ s do a quick , one-question quiz .
Which activity would be easier for you ?
any success . Sitting in the Augusta , Georgia airport one afternoon , I decided to give the second option a spin .
1 . Describe the best life you could achieve over the next twenty years . 2 . Describe the best things that have happened to you over the last twenty years .
One is fantasy ; the other is history . One requires the courage to push through every fear , the vision-casting ability of Warren Buffett , the future-shaping creativity of Elon Musk , the unbridled positivity of Oprah , and the grit , persistence , and patience of a Navy SEAL .
I wrote “ Best Moments ” on a page in my notebook , and then I just started to write things down :
• My wedding day .
• The birth of my two kids .
• Traveling to places like Santorini , Costa Rica , or New York at Christmastime .
• When I paid off my student loans .
Once the obvious ones were out of the way , some more unusual ones popped up :
The other requires a pen and a piece of paper . I ’ d tried the first option for years and never had
• The time my friend and I ate a nine-pound lobster on Martha ’ s Vineyard . It was the size