LEAD October 2021 | Page 16

The bond to porn is real and can make it difficult to give up . Remember , God puts sexual sin in a unique category . “ Flee from sexual immorality . Every other sin a person commits is outside the body , but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body ” ( 1 Corinthians 6:18 ). God created sex to be a bonding experience . I believe one of the ways we sin against ourselves through sexual immorality is that we bond to things or people we later wish we weren ’ t bonded to . Often a porn addict has their favorite porn clip that they climax to over and over . They look at many clips , but they return to the one they have bonded to . And for the married addict , bonding to porn can undermine bonding to their spouse . While having sex with their spouse , many porn addicts will replay their favorite porn clip in their minds . What should be a bonding moment between husband and wife is actually a continuation of their bonding to the porn clip . Fortunately , this can be changed as the porn user starts being present and disciplined in their mind while having sex with their spouse . The result of this shift in focus is better sex , better bonding with their spouse , and a better marriage — marriage the way God intended .
We all have a thirst for intimacy , and porn is a cheap substitute to meet this need . When a desperately thirsty man comes to the ocean , he shouldn ’ t drink the water because the salt within will only make him more thirsty . Porn promises to be a thirst quencher for intimacy , but it is a short-term solution that will only make the person thirstier . True intimacy will be impossible as long as the porn user is bonded to their porn .
Ted Shimer has discipled men for thirty years through the collegiate ministry , Student Mobilization . He received his MABS from Dallas Seminary and was trained as a Pastoral Sex Addiction Professional-Supervisor . Ted is the Founder of The Freedom Fight , an online porn addiction discipleship / recovery program that is biblically based , gospel centered , scientifically sound , and effective . His book , The Freedom Fight : The New Drug and the Truths that Set Us Free , is available now . 16