LEAD October 2021 | Page 14

Bonding with Porn

Ted Shimer

God did not create us for isolation . He created us for connection . He wired our brains for it . And one of the primary ways we ’ ve been wired for connection is through sex . Oxytocin is the hormone that helps us bond with others . It is often called “ the cuddle hormone ” because it is released during skin-to-skin contact with other people . But this oxytocin released during porn use or a hookup increases a person ’ s compulsion to bond during the sexual behavior . Oxytocin is released in even greater amounts during a climax . So for the porn user , this can result in bonding to porn by creating an emotional attachment . Behavioral therapist Andrea Kuszewski calls the dopamine-oxytocin combo released in the brain during orgasm a “ biochemical love potion .” This is why after having sex , a couple is more inclined to form