Billion jobs will be automated by
2030. What will all these people do
when a robot or an app will replace
them? Here are three important
points to keep in mind for the future:
1. Focus intensely on living in truth.
Living in truth is the foundation on
which you will build everything in
the future. If you build on a lie, on
the hunger to make money, to heal
some old hurt), everything you build
will crumble.
The foundation must be Love. Living
and doing meaningful work gives you
the necessary drive to keep learn-
ing, to work harder and invest your
resources (time, money, energy)
into building something that you are
proud of, something that you want to
share with the world.
You might have to defeat social
resistance and silence what others
demand from you. If you are not sure
what your passion is, fill in the gaps:
Before I die, I will to...
I come back in 100 years from now to
live another life, what change to do I
want to make today to make sure my
future is the way I want it?
2. Develop skills and knowledge
in the service of your passion. The
results you get in life are in direct
proportion with your knowledge and
abilities AND with your willingness to
do the work. Build everything in life
from the profound knowing that you
are perfect just the way you are and
if results are not as you want them
to be, understand that you need to
learn what you don’t know. Once
you know and have the willingness
to apply this knowledge, success will
Passionate learning is the secret to
your mind’s eternal youth and the
honored mystery of the alchemists.
No matter what age you are, when
you stop learning and exploring, you
instantly begin to grow old. Reality
will rush by you. You will begin to
live in the past, believing a truth that
has now become a lie and wonder-
ing around in a world that no longer
3. Understand the difference
between pain and suffering.
If you follow your heart in life, you
will not have regrets.
You will be defeated, you will suffer,
but you will not have regrets. You
know what you most value in life.
You know what brings you meaning.
As long as you are alive, you know
what brings you joy because that’s
the voice of Spirit talking to you.
Spirit will never leave you, and
always answers your questions. But
you do have the choice not to listen.
You always know your truth and you
know what your will is.
Pain shows up every time you deny,
ignore or rationalize away your will
and your truth.
Pain is unbearable because truth is
denied and lies are made real in your
“I want to travel but...”; “I want to
work with children, but...”; “I want
to help others, but...”
But creates pain because you are not
using your mind to think of how you
can do your will, but rather to make
real the reasons why your will should
be ignored or dismissed. Pain leads
to anxiety, anger and depression.
Pain leads to abuse, drinking and
Why don’t they take pain away?
Because your truth cannot be denied.
Is that simple. Suffering leads to love
and understanding. You are aware of
your truth and the fight to make your
dreams real, and also embrace them
in others.When you fully embrace the
truth of who you really are, pain goes
away instantly.
Suffering might show up but will
come as nothing more than small
blows you receive along the way.
Suffering comes in a battle that’s
worth fighting. Pain comes by
running away from it.
Pain brings regret in the end.
Suffering brings joy in the end.
LEAD | January 2018