LEAD Magazine Issue 2018 | Page 37

38 D R A G O S B ATA S A N U DRAG OS HOW TO DISCOVER YOUR PASSION, MAKE YOUR DREAMS A REALITY AND THRIVE IN THE FUTURE A A single entrepreneur, a single artist, a single author, a single startup or a single company cannot change the world. But what about 900 million of us? There are 900 million people in 142 countries who are unfulfilled with what they do in life [Gallup]. In the U.S. alone, 70 percent of people working are unhappy and don’t care for what they do [Gallup]. Millennials are the most unful- filled and care least about what they do at work. This is an enormous squandered potential, a lot of misdirected minds and many unhappy people. Just think about the positive impact these people can make in the world if they started doing something they valued. The majority of the 79 million U.S. Millennials are either unemployed, underpaid, or weighed down with student loans. One in four Millennials has more debt than savings, accord- ing to Bankrate.com. Some 94% of college stu- dents currently graduate with debt [read more] What will they do when they graduate? According to research at MIT and Oxford University, almost half of the jobs will be auto- mated in the next 20 years. Google’s top rated futurist speaker Thomas Frey predicts that 2 LEAD | January 2018