systems that enjoy balanced success
more often than not. Why “balanced”,
because they seem to be much happier
than the average person too. The future
leader cannot afford to waste their time
on doing all the wrong this right, so take
a moment and consider incorporating
one of the following filter systems into
your career and life.
Your Value System
Most of us have a fairly good idea of
what we like and dislike. We sort of
know what we hold dear and have opin-
ions about what we perceive to be right
and wrong. Yet understanding your
unique value system is so much more
than having a vague idea of what you
think is really important to you.
A strong, healthy and well-defined
value system is the ultimate code by
which you live your life. It becomes
your compass, similar to the naviga-
tional system that makes an airplane
find its way when soaring through
the expanded blue skies. Without a
clear knowledge of what exactly your
value system is, you are living your life
without a navigational map.
In fact, you are flying blind.
Your values are your ultimate filter
system. They allow you to prioritize
what is right, for you – and wrong
for you too. They become your own
personal watchdog, therefore allowing
into your immediate environment only
those things that are really important
to you, and naturally the things that are
not serving you.
Without self judgment.
Making an effort to discover what your
value system is will have a massive
impact on your career, bank account
and sanity. It will clear things up,
help you understand why you prefer
the company of certain people, and
LEAD | January 2018