LEAD June 2024 | Page 53

And all this organizing and systematizing creates a machine of sorts that promotes employee comfort . How ? By removing tensions and problems by providing a repeatable , reliable , and predictable process . Repeatable , reliable , and predictable are excellent for systems . They provide comfort for people and teams . A primary goal of management is to remove unknowns through systems , processes , and expectations .
Consistency is comfortable . As Frank Blake said , “ People are looking to maximize their personal predictability .” A consistent process for entering the workplace , logging into laptops , meeting with teammates , and performing your work is comforting . No wonder people begin serving the way they work more than the purpose of their work .
Unfortunately , for individuals and organizations , comfort confines growth .
Growth of any kind demands some element of discomfort . Progress is often uncomfortable . Take exercise again . Your first jog is probably slow , short , and very uncomfortable . Your second jog is similar . Eventually , if you maintain your original pace and distance , jogging gets easier . If you want to progress , however , you ’ ll have to increase your speed or distance , which is uncomfortable .
Growth is uncomfortable . Progress is uncomfortable . And these discomforts are some of the greatest obstacles to personal growth .
Let ’ s talk about transitioning leadership , starting with the announcement . The current leader becomes the previous leader overnight . One minute everything is comfortable . The next , the leader is on the way out and the team faces a litany of uncomfortable questions .
The transition journey begins with our first leadership challenge : leading people away from comfort . Everything in your team members ’ hearts and minds is working against this transition . They were comfortable ! They knew what to expect , who to expect , and how to succeed .
Remember , even if they didn ’ t love that previous leader , chances are , at least they were comfortable with their dislike . It ’ s incredible how much we prioritize comfort . The emotional transition journey begins the minute comfort is disrupted . And the emotional experience doesn ’ t improve as it begins .
As the leader , you are probably keenly aware that letting go of what got the team here is the first step toward getting somewhere better . But it cannot be forced . Dislodging people from their workplace La-Z-Boys is an exercise in patience and planning . It will take time . Eventually , realizing that this transition is not a choice forces individuals to move forward to remain on the team or walk away . Don ’ t be surprised if people walk away . And don ’ t take it personally . It ’ s not necessarily that they don ’ t like you . I mean , they just met you . Perhaps they left before you even began . There is always the potential for exiting instead of staying . Either way is uncomfortable . Leaving feels like control , though , whereas remaining can feel like losing control .