LEAD June 2024 | Page 52

How To Confront Your Organization ’ s State of Comfort Gavin Adams

Comfort is a stance of avoidance rather than the pursuit of excellence . — CRAIG D . LOUNSBROUGH
Our brain is wired for comfort . Our brain is constantly preparing for the impending zombie apocalypse . Our brain automatically attempts to reduce calorie burn to conserve energy . Have you ever driven a car and , after several minutes , realized you completely wandered off mentally and can ’ t even remember the turns you made ? This is a psychological phenomenon first studied in 1921 . It ’ s so common that G . W . Williams named it “ highway hypnosis ” in 1963 . It seems our minds desire automated responses and understood situations . The drive for comfort is baked into our DNA .
Drive a new path to work and you won ’ t zone out once . Or enter a leadership transition that works against the comfort that we love .
Let ’ s bring this to our work environment . An idea eventually becomes an organization to scale . Management is required to organize what we need to orchestrate . In this way , management is necessary and vital to the ongoing success of a growing company , organization , or church .