LEAD June 2024 | Page 39

now is that I just wanted to feel safe and secure in that moment . I was convinced that having control over something in my life could provide a sense of stability .
Of course , it didn ’ t . Of course , it was about so much more than making one decision , getting one room clean , or solving one issue . And it wasn ’ t so much about the chaos in our lives but what I was turning to in hopes that the storm would be calmed .
It was during this particularly difficult year in the Simons household and ministry life that my ministry companion , executive director , and dear friend , Eve , started a practice that would in time prove so much more fruitful than we could imagine . Feeling as expectant for God ’ s plan as I was , she told me , “ Ruth , I ’ m going to start praying every day at the same time and specifically lift up these things we can ’ t figure out on our own .” She set her alarm to go off at 2 p . m . every afternoon as a reminder to pray for the needs of GraceLaced Co . and the Simons family . Because she ’ s intimately familiar with all the ins and outs of both areas of my life , she knew we couldn ’ t fix or simply manage the chaos ; we needed the God of order to hold all things together and to put all the pieces in place , just as he does for the stars each night . Jesus was the only one who could calm the storm , just like he did for the disciples who feared for their lives on that stormy sea .
It proved to be a small decision with big impact . Nearly every single one of the things Eve prayed for at 2 p . m . EST in that season has been answered in some powerful , unexpected way . Eve would tell you that there was nothing magical about her prayers , and she ’ d be right . But this faithful action while trusting God caused us to be more aware of God ’ s provisions . During that season , the Lord provided our family with some deep and meaningful friendships we so needed . Our marriage was strengthened and built up . We stepped out in faith in the growth of the business , and we gratefully hired for needed roles . God granted us repentance in areas where we needed to lay down our pride , and he gave us courage to stand firm where we needed to fight . He steadied our family and gave us vision , healed wounds , and gave us laughter . School , work , church , friends — all four areas are works in progress , but we ’ ve seen provision with eyes of faith because the instability in our lives caused us to be alert with anticipation . Our unwanted pain and confusion drove us to a very wanted reliance and need for a Savior .
The right-now life you and I are given isn ’ t something just to bide our time and survive ; he ’ s designed our current circumstances for our growth .
I know it might sound crazy to call our chaos and unknowns good , but when we look a little further at the way God delivers his people , we realize that God , in his wisdom , allows strategic instability , if you will , in our lives . That trusting God , right where we are , is for our good .