LEAD June 2024 | Page 26

The Pastor ’ s Wife Goes to Therapy Too

Stephanie Gilbert , Jessica Taylor , and Jenna Allen

Adulthood is way overrated . Sure , there are perks , like eating a colossal amount of ice cream without permission or going out whenever you want to because you answer to no one ( besides your scrawny ghost town of a wallet ). Overall , being a grownup is more glamorous in theory than it feels in practice . We ’ ve heard that growing old is like becoming a fine wine , getting better with age . But most days we feel more like a lukewarm cheap beer than a classy glass of Chardonnay . Profound , we know .
And part of becoming an adult , they say , is that all the childhood trauma you experienced comes back to haunt you in your thirties . We ’ re unsure who they are or where they found said research , but they know things we don ’ t . The anxiety , repressed memories , and emotions we have now are like air filling a balloon . We ( the balloons ) helplessly collect the blustery carbon dioxide while adjusting ourselves to handle the escalating pressure . Only the air keeps expanding our thinning , rubbery