LEAD June 2024 | Page 19

It is my honor to be called to work alongside a leader who needs to recover from burnout or some reason to find purpose and wholeness . One of the factors that seem to be a common thread in the brokenness is the tendency to be one-dimensional in the approach to life and leadership . A common idea seems to be widely accepted in this phrase that says , “ We are a spirit , have a soul , and live in a body .” A far more accurate affirmation would be to say , “ I am a spirit , soul , and body .” This reflects the beautiful concept of wholeness and gives the proper value to each part of the person as God created us . Let Christ baptize or immerse the whole of you in the Holy Spirit and apply the finished work of the Cross in power to all of you .
John 16:14-15 He will glorify Me , for He will take of what is Mine and declare it to you . All things that the Father has are Mine . Therefore I said that He will take of Mine and declare it to you .
The primary work of the Holy Spirit is to take the possessions of Christ and declare or make them yours . Let ’ s briefly look at the revealed truth in Scripture about each dimension of people ’ s life : Spirit , Soul , and Body .
The description of our spirit is to be born again in Christ Jesus .
This is where our true identity is found . Our life is hidden with God in Christ and can be accessed at any time . A person doesn ’ t have to find their security , righteousness , and acceptance in the shifting whims of external things and experiences , but on the bedrock of a completed work in Christ that has been transferred to the new person that we are . Paul declares it in Scripture by saying that you are complete in Christ Jesus .
This is a big deal in the heart-health of a leader because it is the key to not allowing ministry or any other measure to become the source of my identity . Who we are in Christ in spirit is the only reliable identity that is true . The Holy Spirit will always lead you into your true identity , and that is sonship , which makes me an heir of God .
Romans 8:14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God , these are sons of God .
With the security and completeness in spirit , it is then the wonder of revelation that allows a person to prosper in their soul .
The soul is typically described as a person ’ s will , mind , and emotions .
Romans 12:2 so clearly instructs us to renovate our minds . I often tell people that the most diffcult work they will ever do in this life is to renew their thinking . Old patterns of thinking need to be replaced with thoughts that match the glorious truths that reflect our true nature in Christ .
According to the well-known proverb that tells us that as a man thinks in his heart , so is he , we know that a person lives in the reality of their mind .