LEAD June 2024 | Page 18

your mind , and with all your strength .’ This is the first commandment .
Prov . 4:23 Keep your heart with all diligence , For out of it spring the issues of life .
The primary definition of our heart as used in Scripture is the center of our being . It is widely accepted in the biblical view of ontology that each person is tridimensional . The summarizing Bible verse used to emphasize this truth is in the writings of Paul .
1 Thessalonians 5:23 Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely ; and may your whole spirit , soul , and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ .
It is interesting how much seems to be complete in trinity . God is revealed in the Trinity as Father , Son , and Holy Spirit . Is it any wonder that so much of God ’ s creation also is discovered in threes ? We find three primary colors , three dimensions of space , three phases of matter , three primary components of an atom , and the list goes on . So it shouldn ’ t be a surprise that we are created as a three-part being consisting of spirit , soul , and body .
When we are exhorted to guard our heart with all diligence because out of it flow the issues of life , could it be that we are discovering that the reality of our experience is flowing from the center of the three dimensions of our person ? This discovery has changed my life and helped so many others .
God created you as a three-dimensional person , and the redemptive work of Christ certainly includes the whole person .
So much so that we even get a glorified body in the life to come . How about a born-again spirit , a restored soul , and a healed body ? The truth of salvation applied to the entire person is what can be called wholeness .
Jesus even proclaimed the anointing to heal the brokenhearted .
No matter which dimension of my life brought the brokenness , it is God ’ s grace that brings the kind of healing that lets the center of our being overflow with the qualities of God ’ s Kingdom .
The heart-healthy leader is the one who understands the value and power of each part of their life . It could be described as a life of balance , and I like to emphasize it as applying the redemptive truths of Christ in the three dimensions of my being .
So come on , can I just get right to a very penetrating question for each leader and person ?
Does your spirit , soul , and body reflect the value of God ’ s intention in your creation and the truth of who you are in Christ ?
Matthew 13:33 Another parable He spoke to them : “ The kingdom of heaven is like leaven , which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal till it was all leavened .”