LEAD June 2023 | Page 48

says , “ I deserve what you have , and you do not deserve it .”
These are just some of the possibilities when desires run amok .
Excerpted from A Small Book About a Big Problem : Meditations on Anger , Patience , and Peace Copyright 2017 by Edward T . Welch . Used with permission of New Growth Press . May not be reproduced without prior written permission . To purchase this and other helpful resources , please visit newgrowthpress . com .
It doesn ’ t have to come out of your mouth to be anger . We can hate someone in the privacy of our own thoughts . Yet we can be certain of this . If we think we are keeping our anger controlled and private , we are not . Anger will assert itself . It refuses to be contained . If anger is in our hearts , it has our hearts . It will come out of our mouths , and it will hurt others .
Does your anger hide behind more innocentsounding words ? “ I ’ m just being honest ,” “ Let ’ s call a spade a spade ,” “ Let ’ s set the record straight ”?
What are your innocent-sounding words and what are they really saying ?
Edward T . Welch , MDiv , PhD , is a licensed psychologist and faculty member at the Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation ( CCEF ). Ed has been counseling for over forty years and has written extensively on the topics of depression , fear , and addictions . His biblical counseling books include Shame Interrupted , When People Are Big and God Is Small , Addictions : A Banquet in the Grave , Depression : Looking Up from the Stubborn Darkness , Running Scared : Fear , Worry , and the God of Rest , A Small Book about a Big Problem , A Small Book for the Anxious Heart , A Small Book about Why We Hide , I Have a Psychiatric Diagnosis , and Someone I Know Is Grieving .