The Less Relational Your Church Is , The Less Transformational
Your Church Will Be
Justin Elafros & Jared Musgrove
List the top five sermons or inspirational messages that impacted your life .
Try it .
... maaaaybe you can recall the teacher ? The title or outline ?
Okay . Now try this one .
List the top five people who impacted your life .
Likely one list came faster than the other .
There ’ s a reason for this . We always open our leadership workshops with this exercise to make this point . We are transformed most in relationship with God and one another . But that requires loss .
People Don ’ t Fear Change , They Fear Loss
People want to change and transform . One degree of glory to the next . But they don ’ t want the interpersonal rub of relationships leading to transformation because it requires loss . Most often of control or comfort . It ’ s easier to say ,