LEAD June 2023 | Page 10

widow ’ s hard choice : Would she trust God and put what little she had left on the line of faith ?
The widow gave her tiny portion , her very last lifeline , to God ’ s prophet . And God provided more than enough to feed the widow and her son . The widow ’ s lack did not define who she was . God didn ’ t ask her for what she didn ’ t have . He asked her to trust Him with what she did .
It wasn ’ t long before Elijah — the same Elijah who ate with the widow — found himself in despair . When he obeyed God and confronted King Ahab and Queen Jezebel about their idolatry , Queen Jezebel vowed to kill Elijah . Despite all he had experienced of God ’ s provision and power , Elijah was terrified — to the point that he asked God to take his life .
Elijah was afraid and ran for his life .
He came to a broom bush , sat down under it and prayed that he might die . “ I have had enough , Lord ,” he said . “ Take my life ; I am no better than my ancestors .” ... All at once an angel touched him and said , “ Get up and eat .” He looked around , and there by his head was some bread baked over hot coals , and a jar of water . 1 Kings 19:3-6 , NIV
God responded to Elijah ’ s honesty . His first response was to minister to Elijah ’ s physical needs . God doesn ’ t just love what we do for Him , He loves us . God was not indifferent toward Elijah ’ s suffering and discouragement , and He is not indifferent to your suffering or mine .
When we show up to serve God , to offer what we have , to go and do and be all He is asking of us , it ’ s easy to think He loves us only for what we have to offer . But when we see these and many other characters in the Bible who found themselves in the exact