LEAD. June 2021 | Page 55

gladly of my weaknesses , so that the power of Christ may rest upon me .”
When Paul writes about boasting in his weakness , he ’ s not making excuses for his shortcomings or even seeking sympathy ; he ’ s just being real about life ’ s struggles and challenges and how he depends on Jesus ’ s enabling power to overcome his human limitations to accomplish God ’ s purposes for his life . When we ’ re honest and transparent about our imperfections and weaknesses , God delights in displaying his power through our limitations . When we acknowledge our weaknesses to God , we invite him to show off in our lives .
Someone once said that Christians are called to reflect God ’ s glory in their lives like the moon reflects the sun . The moon is void of any source of energy to emanate light and brighten the night sky . Its radiant glow comes from reflecting the sun — the most powerful energy source in our solar system . Too often people try to live in their own strength and wisdom . But that ’ s not where the true power source lies . God is glorified when we allow his power to shine through our scars .
Taken from Turn Your Season Around : How God Transforms Your
Life by Darryl Strawberry . Copyright © 2021 by Zondervan . Used by permission of Zondervan , www . zondervan . com .
Darryl Strawberry ’ s accomplishments in the major leagues include World Series titles , All-Star Game appearances , and a nomination to the National Baseball Hall of Fame in 2004 . He is the author of numerous books , including the New York Times bestseller , Straw : Finding My Way ( with John Strausbaugh ), Don ’ t Give Up on Me : Shining Light on Addiction with Darryl Strawberry ( with Shawn Powell ), and The Imperfect Marriage : Help for Those Who Think It ’ s Over with his wife , Tracy Strawberry . In 2011 Darryl and Tracy founded Strawberry Ministries , and they use their global reach to restore the multitudes through spiritual and practical life applications . Darryl ’ s purpose and passion is serving the Lord Jesus Christ by traveling the country , speaking a message of hope and restoration through the power of the gospel . 55