an amazing gift ,” I told him . “ Please don ’ t throw it away .”
Unfortunately , as much as I wanted him to reach his goals and realize his fullest potential , he just didn ’ t want it for himself . Correction : He wanted it . He just wasn ’ t willing to do what it took to achieve it .
Adapted from High-Impact Life : A Sports Agent ’ s Secrets to Finding and Fulfilling a Purpose You Can ’ t Lose by Kelli Masters . Copyright © 2021 . Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers , a Division of Tyndale House Ministries . All rights reserved .
Sadly , it came as no surprise when the Lions ’ personnel director called a few months later to let me know he wouldn ’ t be on the team next season . To this day , he is one of the strongest , most naturally gifted athletes I ’ ve ever represented . And to this day , it pains me to think about where he could have been compared to where he is now .
God gives us each special gifts and callings , tailor-made for us . He wants us to use and pursue them not just for our own benefit but also for the benefit of others . Will there be sacrifices involved ? Yes . But remember , it ’ s not just about you . You have the potential to impact countless others , some of whom you may never even meet . What a shame it would be to throw that opportunity away .
Kelli Masters is an attorney , a certified sports agent , and the founder of KMM Sports , a full-service sports-management company based in Oklahoma City . She has represented more professional athletes than any other woman in the history of sports business and was named one of the 25 most influential women in sports worldwide by Bleacher Report . In 2010 , Kelli became the first woman to represent a Top 5 pick in the NFL Draft . She is a pioneer who is now pouring her wisdom into others across the nation and around the world as a speaker , professor , and mentor .