As I began writing Give it To God and Go To Bed : Stress Less , Sleep Better , Dream More , I decided to set the entire book in your bedroom so that you could form a new relationship with this very special room where you spend one-third of your life . With chapter titles like , “ The Junk Under Your Bed ,” “ The Monsters in Your Closet ,” and “ The Writing On the Wall ,” we spend ample time discussing the main thieves that try to steal your sleep and what you can do about it . But before you can ever get to sleep , you have to go to bed , and in order to go to bed , you have to want to go into your bedroom . You would be amazed how many people have an adversarial relationship with sleep , and even with their bedroom itself .
So then , let me ask you , “ How do you feel about your bedroom ?” What do you feel when you walk in the door ? Peace , because it is a refuge for you ? Stress , because you know you didn ’ t get your workday finished and you wish you had more hours left in the day ? Dread , because you know you will lay awake at night and rehash today or rehearse tomorrow ? Or how about Confusion because your room is such a mess that your mind