LEAD February 2022 | Page 16

practicing a constant awareness of Me . They ’ re not fully sharing their lives with Me , talking with Me all the time . They are not inviting Me in continually .”
If we truly want breakthrough , we need to cling to God all day long , every day , moment by moment — looking to Him for guidance , wisdom , and the leading of the Holy Spirit . As we do this , we ’ re going to get breakthrough . It ’ s a sure thing . “ Those who receive the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One , Jesus Christ ” ( Romans 5:17 ).
As we cling to God , continually crying out to Him and depending on Him as we walk through life in weakened states , His Spirit flows into us like a canal , like a river , filling us and inevitably lifting us up in the power of the resurrection and creating spiritual breakthrough . This is the only thing that lasts . Everything else eventually fades away . We can ’ t take our cars with us . We can ’ t take our houses with us . We can ’ t even take our loved ones in the flesh with us . What we do take with us is who we have become in the Spirit through the grace of Yeshua HaMashiach in our lives .
In Called To Breakthrough , Rabbi Schneider takes readers on an extraordinary real-life journey that began one fateful night in 1978 . Seemingly torn from a Hollywood script , Schneider shares the incredible events of being kidnapped , stabbed in the chest , and forced into a mental institution . The “ price ” he paid as a Jewish man who chose to follow Jesus against all norms is told with complete transparency and deep inward reflection .
Rabbi Schneider , a Jewish believer in Jesus , is host of the impactful television and radio programs - Discovering The Jewish Jesus . 16