LEAD February 2022 | Page 15

you crying out to Me ? Tell the sons of Israel to go forward . As for you , lift up your staff and stretch out your hand over the sea and divide it , and the sons of Israel shall go through the midst of the sea on dry land ” ( Exodus 14:15 – 16 ). Moses and Israel had to act to see God ’ s power released .
Don ’ t hesitate to take action when the Holy Spirit is leading you to act . Breakthrough happens when we are in alignment with Him .
Expect opposition
When you begin to pursue more of God and all that He has for you , you will experience opposition . People will try to stop you . The devil will try to stop you . You will pay a price for being willing to be different and for allowing God to work in and through you to accomplish His purposes .
I ’ ve experienced this opposition in my own life from every side — the Messianic community , the traditional Jewish community , and Christians who don ’ t understand the importance of the Jewish roots of our faith . The reality is that supernatural anointings attract supernatural opposition .
Consider the fate of John the Baptist and the twelve apostles , ten of whom were martyred . Consider also that Yeshua said , “ If they persecuted Me , they will also persecute you ” ( John 15:20 ). Expect resistance . Breakthrough requires that you press through resistance .
If you want breakthrough , if you want divine momentum , if you want to be used of the Lord to create a pathway for other people to follow , you must be willing to pay the price . The first one through the wall always gets bloody .
Cling to God
Finally , breakthrough happens when we cling to God . Clinging to God creates and releases spiritual power within us . We must become completely dependent on Him . We must come to the place where we realize that in and of ourselves , we are weak , vulnerable , and unable to do life alone . The grace of God comes to the one who is depending on Him , generating breakthrough spiritually , physically , emotionally , and circumstantially .
Some years ago , I took a team to minister at a church on a frigid Sunday night . It was a team from the Messianic congregation I was shepherding , and I brought our dance troupe with me . At the end of our ministry , while I was still in the building packing up all my things , the husband of one of our dancers ran into the building from the parking lot in a panic . He said , “ Come and help ! My wife just fell down in the parking lot !”
My first thought was , “ Lord , why did this happen ? This woman just got done dancing for You . Surely You could have kept her from falling ! Your Word says that You protect us , bless us , and give us victory . This doesn ’ t line up with Your Word .”
Two days later , the Holy Spirit clearly spoke to me as I was driving in my van . “ The reason you see My people falling and failing ,” He said , “ is because they are not trusting Me .”
When He said the word trust , I understood exactly what He meant . Within the concept of trust is the idea of clinging to God . In essence , God was saying , “ People are falling , they ’ re not seeing success and getting breakthrough , because they ’ re not clinging to Me . They ’ re not