2. Gain Situational Awareness
Perhaps at no other time in history has there
been a greater need to be aware of what
is taking place around us. If you and I are
going to survive—and thrive—in our ever-
changing culture, we need to learn how to gain
situational awareness. And for us to correctly
assess reality, we need wisdom.
In our current day, the wisdom to accurately
gauge reality seems to be in short supply. As
our society increasingly considers evil to be
good and sees biblical morality as deviant, it is
imperative for Christians to have the courage
to be aware—and stay aware—of what is going
on around us.
3. Take Inventory
As Christians, we are to use the tools we
have available to serve God and help others.
Fortunately, God has given us an extensive
inventory of tools that we can use not only
to navigate our challenging times but also to
fulfill His calling in our lives.
The equipment God has provided for us is more
than enough to defeat the Enemy’s attacks.
Whenever we face challenging situations, we