for Thriving in
an Increasingly
Hostile Culture
By Robert Jeffress
We live in perilous times. Culture as a whole
is heading nowhere fast, leaving our country’s
once deeply held Christian beliefs to fade in the
rearview mirror. If you squint, you can almost
make them out.
So how do we live in these new times? I’ve
learned a thing or two by studying everyday
heroes and have compiled the below strategies
for thriving in an increasingly hostile culture.
1. Don’t Panic
Studies have shown that when most people—
those without military, first responder,
or survivalist training—are faced with a
threatening situation, about 10 percent of men
and women have a fight response. Another 10
percent have a flight response. The remaining
80 percent freeze. They become emotionally
overwhelmed, unable to do anything at all.
There are seemingly endless situations that
tempt us to fear in this life. Whether it is the
corroding effects of our culture or the issues
that confront our hearts and homes, this world
can be a frightening and dangerous place. But
if we are to survive when challenges come, we
must not panic.