we come across a word meaning “ bitter ,” actually spelled marah in this instance , is also the same place we first learn of God as Jehovah Rapha , the Lord our Healer . In Exodus 15 the Israelites had just come out of bondage in Egypt . They had been walking in the desert for three days and had not found water until they reached a spring , which was named Marah . But the water was not drinkable — it was bitter .
The word marah used in Exodus 15 means “ bitter , change , be disobedient , disobey , grievously , provocation .” It can also mean “ to make bitter , to rebel , to provoke .” 1 We do not want to walk in anger , disobedience , and rebellion , and that is how bitterness evolves if we do not get healed from it .
In his book Unshakeable my apostle and pastor John Eckhardt said , “ There are so many different ways life can deal you a bitter hand . You have to guard your heart , because out of it flows the issues of life . You cannot allow your heart to become bitter or unforgiving .” He goes on to say , “ No matter what has happened to us , when we release things and forgive people we are also able to receive deliverance so we can walk in healing , health , prosperity , favor , and the blessing of God .”
The saying “ Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned ” is in some ways earned righteously . A woman can hold a grudge ! But a woman can also be destroyed by a grudge and disqualified from a life of peace , blessing , and divine purpose .
There is no need for us to wallow in dangerous emotions such as anger , bitterness , revenge , and passive aggression . These behaviors hurt us more than they hurt those who hurt us . When you hold onto something , waiting for some kind of payback or revenge , it causes you to be stuck in that season of hurt and grief and minimizes your ability to move forward into the next season .
You may be ministering , leading , mothering , and doing other things , but all of it is done with an undertone of bitterness . We will not experience the blessing and harvest that we hope for with bitterness in the way .
Naomi let the whole town know of the bitterness she was carrying . I don ’ t know that you should do that , but you should confess it to a senior leader in your church , your mentor , or a trusted prayer partner , and find healing . And know this : in the midst of some of the deepest losses , hurts , or disappointments , God is still working out all things for your good . Naomi ’ s story testifies to this :
Blessed is the Lord who has not left you without a redeemer ( grandson , as heir ) today , and may his name become famous in Israel . May he also be to you one who