Michelle McClain-Walters
Bitterness is a stronghold in many women ’ s lives . We have a tendency to hold grudges against God and others and not realize how it holds us back from being all that God wants us to be . Some of us have gone through unmentionable loss , betrayals , and challenges , and the initial feelings of hurt , rejection , anger , and sadness were justified to a degree . But where are we now ? Have we forgiven ? Have we allowed the Lord to heal our hearts ?
Naomi openly confessed her bitterness — “ Call me Mara ( bitter ), for the Almighty has caused me great grief and bitterness ” ( Ruth 1:20 )— and was healed . What do you need to confess to be brought to a place of deliverance and healing ? The Bible says , “ Therefore , confess your sins to one another [ your false steps , your offenses ], and pray for one another , that you may be healed and restored ” ( James 5:16 ). Naomi , mature in the Lord , let everyone know , “ Yes , the Lord is dealing with me on some stuff . I am in His hands . I am broken now , but soon I will be healed and restored .”
One of the first places in the Bible that