LEAD. December 2020 | Page 43

It was the Summer of 2014 . I was sitting in a Panera restaurant waiting for a coaching client to meet me for lunch . The client drove over three hours that day for a lunch hour appointment with me . I tried to convince him to conduct our coaching session over the phone , but he was persistent about meeting in person .
He desperately wanted to figure out how to grow his Christian coaching practice . He had some success but often felt like he was running on a hamster wheel . He described his business as feeling like a “ pied piper .”
He was exhausted . I had seen this scenario before . Growing up as a ministry kid , I saw first hand how taxing ministry could be at times . Always serving , always helping even if there ’ s no personal benefit .
“ It sounds like you need a product wheel ,” I said . I grabbed a napkin nearby and drew out the diagram below .
I went on to explain , “ At the center is your core message . It ’ s a specific problem you want to help solve . Each of the outside circles represents a product or service you offer that relates to your core message .”
There are multiple ways you can make an impact and income from the same core message . And the best part is many of these products don ’ t require you to trade time for dollars . My client left the meeting energized by his new plan .
I walked away that day , convinced I needed
to follow my own advice . I needed to create
message .
And that ’ s exactly what I did .
Starting in October of 2104 , I created seven income streams in twelve months from one message . Here ’ s the exact timeline I followed .
• Month 1 . Created the basic one-page framework ( or teaching tool ) for my message .
• Months 2-4 . Wrote the draft of my book .
• Month 5 . Released the Kindle version of my book ( income stream 1 ).
• Month 6 . Released the paperback version of my book ( income stream 2 ).
• Month 7 . Released the audiobook version on Amazon , iTunes and Audible ( income stream 3 ).
• Month 8 . Wrote three keynote talks from the book ( income stream 4 ).
• Month 9 . Launched a new online course ( income stream 5 ).
• Month 10 . Launched a group coaching program ( income stream 6 ).
• Month 12 . Hosted a live , in-person , workshop ( income stream 7 ).
What I accomplished in twelve months , anyone