LEAD. December 2020 | Page 39

Paul ’ s most detailed description of what realworld love looks and acts like is found in his first letter to Christians living in first-century Corinth ( 1 Corinthians 13 ). This particular passage is so familiar , I fear it doesn ’ t create so much as a ripple in the consciences of most modern readers . We ’ ve relegated these words to weddings and love songs . That ’ s unfortunate . Paul ’ s compelling and clarifying description of what love looks like and acts like is the gold standard . Because so many of us are so familiar with Paul ’ s words , I ’ ve chosen to present them as an answer to our question : What does love require of us ?
Here we go .
Love requires patience . Love is not pushy . Love requires that I move at your pace rather than requiring you to move at mine .
Love requires kindness . Kindness is love ’ s response to weakness . Kindness is the choice to loan others our strength rather than reminding them of their weaknesses . It ’ s doing for others what they cannot in that moment do for themselves .
Love requires us to keep envy and pride from interfering with our ability to celebrate the success of others . Love requires us to allow others to shine . It isn ’ t threatened by the success of others .
Love requires us to show honor to others . Love never treats another person dishonorably , disgracefully , or indecently . Love doesn ’ t create regret . After all , honor is at the heart of every satisfying relationship .
Love requires selflessness . Love is not selfseeking or selfish . It puts the interests and needs of others first . That alone would solve most relationship problems .