spending most of your time focused on Desire Zone activities . There ’ s only one reason to delegate something in this zone , and that ’ s if your Desire Zone still has more tasks than you can reasonably do yourself . Believe it or not , it ’ s possible to stay in your Desire Zone but still work yourself to death . In fact , it ’ s a real temptation for high-achievers . If you get to this point , you ’ ll need to examine every task and try to figure out which ones you ’ re most passionate about and which ones you ’ re most proficient at . This could lead you to some hard choices about delegating things you love to do . Or at the very least you may find ways to delegate pieces of these tasks , allowing you to keep only the portions you most enjoy and at which you most excel .
Excerpted from Free to Focus by Michael Hyatt . Used by permission of Baker Books , a division of Baker Publishing Group ( http :// www . bakerpublishinggroup . com ). Copyright 2020 .
Michael Hyatt is the chief executive officer and founder of Michael Hyatt & Company . He has scaled multiple companies over the years , including a $ 250M publishing company with 700-plus employees and his own leadership development company that has grown over 60 % year over year for the past four years . Under his leadership , Michael Hyatt & Company has been featured in the Inc . 5000 list of the fastest-growing companies in America for three years in a row . He is also the author of several New York Times , Wall Street Journal , and USA Today bestselling books including Platform , Living Forward , Your Best Year Ever , Free to Focus , and The Vision Driven Leader . He ’ s living The Double Win with his wife of forty-plus years , five daughters , and nine grandchildren .