LEAD August 2024 | Page 47

What happened that made me feel less like myself ?
Is something missing from my life right now ?
Taken from Is Everyone Happier Than Me ? by Sarah Bragg . Copyright © March 2024 by Zondervan . Used by permission of Zondervan , www . zondervan . com .
Asking those questions might bring a little clarity to next steps .
I have to remember that just as easily as this season rolled in , it will eventually roll out . But right now I can at least pay attention and reevaluate . Maybe that ’ s part of what this season is for .
For asking why I do this or want this .
For getting curious about what I want in life now .
For saying no when I want to say no and yes when I want to say yes .
For finding my sparkle as the person I am now , not the person I was then .
Sarah Bragg is a well-loved communicator and author , and you can find her hosting the popular podcast Surviving Sarah . She is also the author of A Mother ’ s Guide to Raising Herself : What Parenting Taught Me About Life , Faith , and Myself . Sarah and her family reside in Tennessee . 47