LEAD August 2024 | Page 40

Who Are You Really , Wanderer ?


You were born at the right place , in the right time , in the right family , in the right city , in the right circumstances in all of human history , to bring God the most glory with your life . He doesn ’ t make mistakes , and He doesn ’ t waste anything .
In fact , even others misusing their free will to hurt you , minimize you , push you down , and push you around will be taken into account . Your pain , when yielded to the process , will always reveal the promise you were meant for . William Stafford spoke about this in his poem called “ A Story That Could Be True .” He starts the poem by exploring what it would be like if you never knew your real mother or father . What if you didn ’ t know your lineage and didn ’ t know the name you were supposed to have ? Would you spend your whole life wondering who you are ?
Stafford finishes the poem with these powerful