When the time came for war , Parson Jonas Clarke himself rang the church bell , summoning the militiamen to battle . But the church bell was more than an alarm . It was the bell of freedom , announcing that the liberty of the world was at hand .
Chapter 8 Parson Jonas Clarke : The Chaplain of the Revolution 1 . 2 Corinthians 3:17 . 2 . Charles Eugene Hamlin , The Life and Times of Hannibal Hamlin ( Cambridge , MA : Riverside , 1899 ), 13 . 3 . Hamlin , The Life and Times , 13 . 4 . George Bancroft , History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent , 4th ed . ( Boston : Little , Brown , 1860 ), 7:293 . 5 . Bancroft , History of the United States , 293 – 94 . 6 . Jonas Clarke , “ Sermon — Battle of Lexington ,” WallBuilders . com , December 27 , 2016 , https :// wallbuilders . com / sermonbattle-of-lexington-1776 /. 7 . Clarke , “ Sermon — Battle of Lexington .”
Excerpt from Revolutionary Leadership by Pat Williams provided by Revell , a division of Baker Publishing Group . Copyright 2022 . Used by permission .
Pat Williams retired as senior vice president of the NBA ’ s Orlando Magic in 2019 to head up an effort to bring major league baseball to Orlando . He has more than 50 years of professional sports experience , and has written more than 100 books , including the popular Coach Wooden , Coach Wooden ’ s Greatest Secret , and Character Carved in Stone .