LEAD August 2022 | Page 23

He added that , in the Bible , nations such as Egypt and Edom , which had enslaved and slaughtered the people of Israel , had been left “ God himself will plead their cause and both cleanse and avenger their innocent blood .”
“ There is no one principle of greater importance in religion than ... to realize that God is Governor among the nations “
again , then crawled on hands and knees towards his dwelling ; she ran to meet him , but only reached him as he expired on their threshold . Caleb Harrington , who had gone into the meeting-house for powder , was shot as he came out . Samuel Hadley and John Brown were pursued , and killed after they had left the green . Asahel Porter , of Woburn , who had been taken prisoner by the British on the march , endeavoring to escape , was shot within a few rods of the common .” 5
Eight God-fearing Patriots poured out their blood on Lexington Green for the cause of liberty . Their bravery and dedication to their cause altered the course of human events . In a sermon delivered on April 19 , 1776 , one year after the Battle of Lexington , Parson Clarke told his congregation ,
“ Next to the acknowledgement of the existence of a Deity , there is no one principle of greater importance in religion , than ... to realize that God is Governor among the nations , that his government is wise and just , and that all our times and changes are in his hands ... Yea , however dark and mysterious the ways of providence may appear ; yet nothing shall overwhelm the mind , or destroy the trust and hope of those that realize the government of heaven .” 6

He added that , in the Bible , nations such as Egypt and Edom , which had enslaved and slaughtered the people of Israel , had been left “ God himself will plead their cause and both cleanse and avenger their innocent blood .”

“ There is no one principle of greater importance in religion than ... to realize that God is Governor among the nations “

desolate by God ’ s judgment . Clarke urged his congregation to courageously oppose “ the enemies and oppressors ” in the confidence that “ God himself will plead their cause and both cleanse and avenge their innocent blood .” 7
LEADERSHIP LESSONS from Parson Jonas Clarke As a man who dedicated his life to the church , Parson Jonas Clarke also played a part in the revolutionary fight for the independence of his country . We can learn a lot from his example .
1 . Great leaders are prepared for anything . Parson Clarke saw the gathering storm clouds of war , and he prepared his people for battle . Week after week , he preached a message of encouragement and determination in the face of oppression and opposition . And when the British regulars arrived with muskets loaded and bayonets fixed , the people he led were ready for the fight . “ I have trained them for this very hour ,” he said .
2 . Great leaders are mentors and encouragers who train their followers for battle . Who is your congregation ? Who are the people you are leading into battle ? How are you preparing them and encouraging them to be strong in battle ? How are you training them to respond when the hour comes ?