LEAD. August 2020 | Page 41

order while homeschooling three kids before?” Her tired smile let me know she knew where I was going, but regardless, she needed the Truth in this moment. Here is some of what we remembered together... Children’s Ministry is the most futuristic and strategic ministry of the Church. It simultaneously impacts the Church of today and sends out a ripple effect into her future. The weighty responsibility of passing on faith from one generation to the next is God’s very own grand idea. We see in Deuteronomy 6 His perfect master plan to pass on faith in Him from one generation to the next: ALL of God’s people telling ALL of their children ALL about Him. “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” Deuteronomy 6:4-7 The beautiful thing about this national mandate was that no one is left out– singles, empty nesters, grandparents, teenagers, parents, etc... Everyone has a responsibility to invite the next generation to taste and see that the Lord is good and that He is exactly Who He said He is. Often, however, it is the dedicated children’s ministry leader who is the one who champions this responsibility to disciple children. When you’re doing the most futuristic and strategic ministry of the Church, and when you’re dedicated to the discipleship of children, we know it is hard work, but we must also never forget that it is opposed work. The enemy is keenly aware of the long term ramifications of children coming to know the Lord and putting their faith in the Savior. When a leader pulls their seat up to the kids table, there is no doubt they will experience attack and opposition from the enemy who despises the hope of the gospel and what it means for children to come to Jesus. But our Savior feels even more strongly about what it means for children to come to Him. Matthew 18 was a remarkably blunt moment between Jesus and His disciples about the role of children in the Kingdom. While everyone was arguing about greatness and position, Jesus painted a clear picture of what was close to His heart. Rather than speak in parables, He expressed in no uncertain terms that to get in the way of a child coming to Him had serious consequences. Consequences meaning it would be better to be dead kind of consequences. Now, if this is the lesson in the physical to His followers, can you imagine the battle taking place in the spiritual? Though we have said yes to an opposed work, we serve a Mighty God and a Victorious King who battles for us. This should deepen our courage, but Ephesians 6 and James 4 remind us that we also have a responsibility in this battle. As His followers, we are to put on the full armor of God– every piece of it- in order to stand firm against the schemes of the enemy. Schemes is a key word… it helps us understand that our enemy has large-scale, systematic plans to destroy those who say “Yes!” to Jesus. We must listen to our King if we are going to stand, resist the enemy, and keep being obedient to His call to make a clear path 41