LEAD April 2024 | Page 54


Throughout our world today , Christians risk everything to follow Jesus . The Christian persecution that we read about in the New Testament is still a reality , and a new report by Open Doors shows that modern-day persecution of Christians is at its highest level yet . Open Doors ’ 2024 World Watch List ( WWL )— an in-depth investigative report focusing on global Christian persecution — reveals that right now , more than 365 million Christians worldwide ( up from 360 million last year ) face high levels of persecution and discrimination for their faith .
Research for the WWL uncovers the 50 most dangerous countries to live as a Christian — and the stark reality for God ’ s people who live under fire from their families , communities , extremist groups and their nation ’ s authorities . As God ’ s mercy and grace strengthen these brothers and sisters , they leave a powerful remnant of hope in the wake of their ongoing testimonies .
Below are the world ’ s 10 most dangerous places to live as a Christian — the nations where saying “ yes ” to Jesus is also saying “ yes ” to a life of risk and a dependence on the extravagant hope of Christ .
1 . North Korea For more than 20 years , North Korea has been at or near the top of Open Doors ’ World Watch List . In this isolated country , Christianity is