After Mina got curious and discovered the moment on her timeline when she ’ d started accepting less than she deserved , she began to move forward with purpose . We continued to work through Take 7 , and she had several breakthroughs to help her get to what she really wanted . ( Spoiler : she ended up going out on her own to build her own product and built an incredibly successful business .)
When we don ’ t voice our opinions or share an opposing view , it ’ s often because we want to belong — we don ’ t want to cause conflict . We can see conflict as a threat to our livelihood . So we shut down in the name of making everyone else happy and keeping the peace . Trying to meet other people ’ s needs is not a solution . Meet your own needs first . That ’ s why it ’ s super important to answer for yourself , When did you first start accepting this ?
Cayla Craft ( 120k combined social followers ) is a believer , highly-rated motivational speaker , angel investor and podcast host with 10 + years of experience as a women ’ s coach and group facilitator . She works with thousands of women annually to amplify their financial earning power and empower them to become a better version of themselves . Cayla hosts the wildly popular podcast , CRAFTted Entrepreneur . A mom of three and self-made millionaire who went from saving lives as a nurse in the ER working from 9-5 to coaching other women to live into their potential , Cayla has inspired thousands of women to believe in themselves as entrepreneurs and businesswomen . 27