“ He began carrying ink , quill , and paper in his pockets so he never lost track of an idea while walking through London .”
abolishing the slave trade , he had become widely known for his underdog fight against slavery ’ s powerful proponents . Undoubtedly , the British people were interested in anything Wilberforce would have to say in his first published work . So why not focus the book on the evils of slavery or a manifesto on how Christians can engage practically to shape culture ? I think it ’ s because Wilberforce knew this : Theology always shapes our practices .
Like the life of William Wilberforce , my book “ Redeeming Your Time ” is extremely practical . But it will start out as one of the most theological . Why ? Because as Wilberforce understood , our perennial problems with time management are rooted in something much deeper than the wrong to-do list systems or daily planners . Our problems are rooted in misconceptions of what we believe about work , time , and the role we have to play in God ’ s mission in the world .
Excerpted from Redeeming Your Time : 7 Biblical Principles for Being Purposeful , Present , and Wildly Productive Copyright © 2021 by Jordan Raynor . Published by WaterBrook , an imprint of Penguin Random House LLC .
Jordan Raynor , author of four books including Redeeming Your Time and the children ’ s book The Creator in You , helps Christians respond to the radical , biblical truth that their work matters for eternity . He ’ s also the host of The Call to Mastery podcast and writes The Word Before Work weekly devotional . He lives near Tampa , Florida with his wife and their three daughters .