than his own . There was just one problem : Wilberforce was “ an undisciplined mess ” and “ constitutionally weak ... with regard to selfdiscipline ” ( an encouraging note if you ’ re starting this book believing that self-discipline and good time-management habits can ’ t be learned ). Wilberforce knew he had to overcome these challenges in order to partner most fully with God in his mission in the world . In his journal , Wilberforce resolved “ To endeavour from this moment to amend my plan for time . I hope to live more than heretofore to God ’ s glory and my fellow-creatures ’ good .”
And “ amend his plan for time ” he did . Wilberforce ’ s newfound faith manifested itself in incredibly practical ways . He journaled instructions to himself such as “ Go to bed at eleven and wake at six ,” to ensure he was getting adequate sleep . He began carrying ink , quill , and paper in his pockets so he never lost track of an idea while walking through London . And he ruthlessly sought out solitude as his celebrity status began to rise , knowing how critical it was to make space to pray and think about
what precisely he should be spending his time on . These practical time management tactics contributed to Wilberforce ’ s transformation from “ an undisciplined mess ” to one of the most productive people who has ever lived .
And he wasn ’ t just productive in Parliament . Wilberforce was also a prolific writer . In 1797 , in the middle of his fight against slavery , Wilberforce published the first of three significant books , a work of theology titled A Practical View of Christianity . Ironically , the book really wasn ’ t “ practical ” at all , at least not in the way we typically think of that word . There were no fivestep processes . There were no checklists or discussion questions at the end of each chapter . Just Wilberforce expounding upon the core tenants of the gospel that led to such dramatic changes in his life , work , and his habits for managing time .
The subject of Wilberforce ’ s first book is surprising to say the least . At the time , Wilberforce ’ s celebrity was not insignificant . While he had yet to achieve his “ Great Object ” of