LEAD April 2022 | Page 39

When Losing Weight Is Easy for Everyone but You

Amber Lia svelte women . Same exercise , different results . Why are they looking fit while you just want to throw a fit at the injustice of it all ?

One of my biggest joys in recent years is hearing the hope rise in my clients ’ voices after a month on a health plan that is finally giving them results . When they “ try again ” one more time , hope is like a distant shimmer on the horizon , and they are tempted to think it is yet another mirage . Soon enough , hope grows as results begin to materialize . The evidence of progress boosts their confidence — but if you have little to no change despite your efforts , it ’ s hard to believe that the state you are currently in is not a life sentence .
Sometimes we get triggered by comparing ourselves to ourselves . We look at pictures of ourselves from the “ good ol ’ days ” and wistfully resign ourselves to our current reality . Janie , a reader of my books , messaged me on