LEAD April 2022 | Page 38

I shudder to think of the countless times I compared my life — and my health journey — to someone else ’ s . Maybe you have too ? Your third cousin once removed eats cake for breakfast and still doesn ’ t gain weight . Last year , your husband and you got on the same health plan and he lost twice as much as you did . These situations become triggers as we compare ourselves to others or are faced with extenuating circumstances . It doesn ’ t feel fair ! Comparison crushes our spirits when it seems that losing weight is easy for everyone but us .
The feeling that you alone struggle with your weight is isolating . Isolation leads to frustration , depression , and loss of hope . Is that how you feel today ? Is the struggle to get healthy a plague that hangs over you ? Perhaps you have tried lots of methods to burn fat , but there it is , settled like cement around your middle . You look over to your right in your spin class and all you see is row upon row of muscular men and