Practical Steps : Move from Doing Good to Doing MORE Good Bill McKendry
Having worked for many of the world ’ s largest brands in my career ( I cut my teeth in the advertising / marketing business at a Madison Avenue-based ad agency and worked with clients such as American Express , Target Stores , Taco Bell , Dodge and Kohler ), I ’ ve learned how the most successful marketers develop very clear , concise , and compelling messaging based on wellresearched insights . Once I understood this process and approach , I never wanted to serve any client ever without doing what I knew was best for them .
As I entered working with nonprofits by choice , starting a Michigan-based branding and marketing agency in 1994 that dedicated 50 % of its efforts to working
with nonprofits , I observed that they do not uniformly understand how to harness the power of marketing and communications to help create more awareness and support to advance their missions .
Because nonprofits tend to rely heavily on fundraising over a more holistic marketing approach , their missions and visions are often not fully realized or maximized . In my practice , books , seminars , and content , I challenge nonprofit and ministry leaders on the purpose of their organization . I have found that too many organizations believe they are “ the cause ” when , in reality , they are “ the conduit ” to helping advance or grow support for the cause .