LEAD April 2022 | Page 31

“ There are great teachers who bless our lives like Miss Nancy , who say or do things you ’ ll never forget .”

“ There are great teachers who bless our lives like Miss Nancy , who say or do things you ’ ll never forget .”

Excerpted from Mission Possible by Tim Tebow . Copyright © 2022 by Tim Tebow . All rights reserved . No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher .
When we compartmentalize our lives , we do ourselves a disservice . We don ’ t honor God by moving the kingdom forward only on certain days of the week or times of the day . We have the honor of living in such a way that , as Jesus observed , we can please our Father in heaven in whatever we do .
The Bible teaches this very principle . Ecclesiastes 9:10 tells us , “ Whatever your hand finds to do , do it with all your might .” The apostle Paul , who was known for his devotion to Christ and his positive attitude even in the worst of circumstances , wrote , “ Whether you eat or drink , or whatever you do , do all things for the glory of God ” ( 1 Corinthians 10:31 ).
Tim Tebow is a two-time national college football champion , Heisman Trophy winner , first- round NFL draft pick , ESPN contributor , and former professional baseball player . He is the author of Mission Possible : Go Create a Life That Counts along with four New York Times bestsellers including This is the Day , Shaken and Bronco and Friends : A Party to Remember . His second children ’ s book , Bronco and Friends : Mission Possible will be released by WaterBrook on March 29 , 2022 . Tim ’ s true passion remains the work of the Tim Tebow Foundation ( TTF ) which he began in 2010 . The foundation ’ s mission is to bring Faith , Hope , and Love to those needing a brighter day intheir darkest hour of need . 31