a hint of disbelief . When we say , “ I hope my church grows ,” you know it ’ s not guaranteed . When I peer into the freezer and say , “ I hope there is ice cream ,” the grim knowledge of my kids ’ appetites adds an element of doubt .
Biblical hope , on the other hand , conveys confidence and security . When the Bible uses the word hope , there is no inclination to doubt . There ’ s only one place to find certain hope . As the old hymn has it , “ My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus ’ blood and righteousness .” 5 This hope is certain . It ’ s not just a feeling . This hope is collective . It ’ s available to all . This hope is infinite and eternal . It never dies .
Cultural Christianity might be dead or dying . Maybe that ’ s embarrassing for some . But I ’ m not embarrassed . We need more faith contenders and fewer church pretenders anyway . The Christianity I see in the New Testament is lean and determined . We ’ re called to work out our faith while running a race . We ’ re called to gird our loins with truth . Church , let ’ s do this ! We can stand strong . We can exude joy . We can encourage hope . I ’ m optimistic about God ’ s work . I ’ m hopeful about Christ ’ s church in North America . You should be too .
The next few years are crucial for the health of the North American church . Megachurches won ’ t just disappear . People won ’ t flock back into smaller churches just for a change of scenery . Though the megachurch movement has been more of a positive force for the gospel than a negative one , if the overall health of the church is to improve , I believe that a movement of non-megachurches must gain momentum .
“ Optimism at its most basic simply means seeing that something better is possible .“
I ’ m optimistic about tomorrow , but smaller and medium-size churches will have to move into a mode of exploration to take advantage of the opportunity . Adventurers do not embark with a spirit of pessimism . Sailors move into uncharted waters when they believe something better is just over the horizon .
I believe a blue ocean lies before us . But even though I ’ m hopeful , I ’ m not a Pollyanna . A firm grip on reality is every bit as important to leadership as optimism and a can-do spirit . The trick is to get the right mix . We ’ re not going to get it all right . Hope must be willing to sacrifice perfection for progress . Hope must also be willing to get up and move , even if we ’ re unsure exactly where to go . Where are we going ? Forward ! Where is that ? Right in front of us .
We must start exploring now . Set your sights for five years from today , but hold the specifics loosely . If we ’ ve learned anything from the coronavirus pandemic , it ’ s that the future can change on a dime . But God is unchanging . His faithfulness endures forever . 13
As a leader in your church , you have a responsibility to convey a hopeful message to your congregation . Leaders take people to a better place . Pastors shepherd their congregations to a better place . Pessimism