do this !” But I probably should . Every believer should . Biblical optimism is neither capricious nor superficial . It is a joy deeply rooted in hope . Biblical optimism is complete confidence that God has a plan and his plan will prevail .
Optimism always bends toward hope . Everyone hopes for something . In a general sense , hope is the feeling we get when we think that something we want is within our reach . This type of hope is not a certainty . It ’ s just a feeling .
Hope rises . Hope falls . But what if we could hope for something that was truly within our reach ? What if our collective hope led to collective praise ? What if our hope led to something — or Someone — certain ?
The Gospel of Luke records such a hope — a greater hope not determined in the finite realm of circumstances .
Some have called Luke ’ s thesis “ the Great Reversal .” The last become first . The least become the greatest . The least of all sit at the table with the King . This is the hope suggested in the Old Testament book of Job , of all places : “ At last the poor have hope , and the snapping jaws of the wicked are shut .” 4 Hope is a term often used in a context of doubt . When we say , “ I hope my team wins ,” there is
" Optimism always bends toward hope . Everyone hopes for something . In a general sense , hope is the feeling we get when we think that something we want is within our reach . This type of hope is not a certainty . It ' s just a feeling ."