in the long run , it never wins . What does win ? Kindness wins . Altruism wins . Servant leadership wins . Celebrating other people wins . Success isn ’ t measured by how many people know your name . It isn ’ t even measured by what you accomplish in your lifetime . It ’ s measured by your coaching tree , your mentoring chain . It ’ s measured by the fruit you cultivate in other people ’ s lives . It ’ s measured by the investments you make in people that , twenty years later , are still earning compound interest . It ’ s measured by what you give , not by what you receive ; and by who you serve , not by who serves you .
Excerpt taken from Help ! I Work With People by Chad Veach , published by Bethany House Publishers , a division of Baker Publishing Group . Copyright 2020 . Used by permission .
Chad Veach is the founder and lead pastor of ZOE Church in Los Angeles , California , a dynamic church with multiple locations throughout the city . In addition to leading ZOE , he is an international speaker ; the author of two books , Faith Forward Future and Unreasonable Hope ; and the host of Leadership Lean In--a popular podcast specializing in organizational health , creativity , and leadership development . Chad and his wife , Julia , reside in Los Angeles with their four children , Georgia , Winston , Maverick , and Clive .