LEAD. April 2021 | Page 23

The book of Acts is filled with unusual yet powerful stories of God moving on or through His people . There were those who were intoxicated by the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues . Some experienced angel-assisted jailbreaks . Paul blinded a guy named Bar- Jesus . The stories go on and on — deliverances , prophecies , prophets , Philip caught up by the Spirit and translated to another city , deadraisings , the sick healed , miracles . . . it ’ s all there . What ’ s exciting is that Jesus invited us to participate in the Holy Spirit ’ s acts : “ Truly , truly , I say to you , he who believes in
Me , the works that I do , he will do also ; and greater works than these he will do ; because I go to the Father ” ( John 14:12 ). He also said , “ These signs will accompany those who have believed : in My name they will cast out demons , they will speak with new tongues ; they will pick up serpents , and if they drink any deadly poison , it will not hurt them ; they will lay hands on the sick , and they will recover ” ( Mark 16:17 – 18 ; I get that people don ’ t like the snake and poison thing , but it ’ s in the Bible !) Yet many believers refuse to heal the sick and cast out demons .