LEAD. April 2021 | Page 22

Unusual doesn ’ t mean UnbiblicaL

By Kris Vallotton

To the dismay of some modern theologians , the Bible is filled with acts of the Holy Spirit that can seem strange , new age or even cult-like . One case in point is trances . The only trances mentioned in the Bible are Holy Spirit trances . Peter fell into a trance in Acts 10:10 and was directed to take the Good News to the Gentiles . The apostle Paul fell into a trance in Acts 22:17 and was told to get out of Jerusalem to avoid harm . There is no mention of demonic trances in the entire Bible ( although there certainly is such a thing ). Yet some twenty-firstcentury believers are convinced that these experiences are always demonic . Read your Bible , people !
Let me make it clear that I am not advocating that people should make an effort to fall into trances . It seems clear that biblical trances happen spontaneously . Although the apostle Paul instructed us to “ pursue love , yet desire earnestly spiritual gifts , but especially that you may prophesy ” ( 1 Corinthians 14:1 ), there is no instruction about desiring or pursuing trances .