and offer a solution to a problem they may have . “ Do not merely look out for your own personal interests , but also for the interests of others ” ( Philippians 2:4 NASB ).
Stay positive . This can be tough at times , especially when there might be a sad situation . But recognize the moment and share the light and be an encouragement . If someone insults you , find a way to spin the remark and make others smile . If someone is upset about a job loss or a breakup , try to find a silver lining . “ Rejoice in hope , be patient in tribulation , be constant in prayer ” ( Romans 12:12 ).
Speak life into others . This can be done in private and in prayer . When you are oneon-one with someone , find a good quality and tell them . Also let them know you will remember them and their situation in prayer . “ First of all , then , I urge that supplications , prayers , intercessions , and thanksgivings be made for all people ” ( 1 Timothy 2:1 ). Most of the time , a friend just needs to know you talk to the Father on their behalf .
When you put others first , you will become an encourager and a beacon of hope . These are rare qualities . In comparison , it ’ s like winning the Cy Young Award — it ’ s only given out to the best .
Del Duduit is an award-winning sportswriter and author . He has been published in Clubhouse Magazine , Sports Spectrum , and on ToddStarnes . com . He is a contributing writer for Athletes in Action , The Christian View , Bridges Magazine , and PM Magazine . He is the coeditor for Southern Ohio Christian Voice and blogs weekly at delduduit . com . He lives in Lucasville , Ohio , with his wife , Angie .