father-in-law , for 20 years . Worried that Laban would not let him depart , he secretly fled with all that he had . He was about to encounter his older brother , Esau , who was embittered over a stolen birthright . Because he feared for his life , Jacob hoped to keep his brother from harming him by sending gifts , women , and children along the River Jabbok .
So there Jacob was , surrounded by his enemies , stripped of his possessions , helpless , and out of control . He was out of tactics . He was out of strategies . He was exactly where God wanted him .
Jacob was in a place of complete dependence , and God needed to do a work in Jacob ’ s heart . He needed Jacob to see that nothing could be accomplished apart from Him . Jacob was missing the only thing that mattered . kids who love to play . The pile of bills reminds us that we have indoor bathrooms and a roof over our heads .
We spend ourselves in all sorts of various ways , but don ’ t miss the blessing buried in the busy . Our limps remind us that we desperately need God and that He ’ s always with us . God ’ s deliverance is His presence . Remember to count the moments . It ’ s the good stuff .
Chasing Perfect , Copyright © 2020 by Alisha Illian . Published by Harvest House Publishers , Eugene , Oregon 97408 . www . harvesthousepublishers . com
Although our daily struggles manifest themselves in different ways , they are like Jacob ’ s limp . They are reminders of the good stuff . The endless pile of laundry reminds us that we are blessed to have a family . The minefield of Legos reminds us that we have
BUY NOW Alisha Illian lives in Kansas with her husband and three children . The founder of Women ( re ) Purposed , she loves equipping women with biblical truth and hope for their day-to-day struggles . Her days are a mix of ministry and motherhood , fueled by salsa , coffee , and Jesus .