LCSD Excellence January 2020 Edition LCSD Excellence January 2020 Edition | Page 12

West Lauderdale Middle Chivalrous Knights of the Month Addison Scott, Hailey Duque, Carter Horton Horton, , and Baylee Hover (not pictured) Audrey Smith, Jordan Ryder, Hannah Beddingfield, and Gabriel Ward Reading Fair Winners Individual - Fiction Individual - Alaina Lightsey, Lightsey , Jordan Mire, Aniya Buxton, Niavi Myers, and Tanner Spears and Emma Cruse Fiction ((digital)) Non-FictioN Non ((digital)) Emily Snodgrass and Mason McCary Skyler Bynum Individual - NonFiction Macy Harrison and Xavier Thompson Andrew Boothe, Jordan Ryder, a n d C a r s o n R i c h a r d s o n Individual - Group - Fiction Audrey Smith and Madi Rose Simpson L e x i B r y c e V i n e t a n d C h a r l e e O d o m Kinley Ethridge, Mia H a r f o r d , & J o s i e W o o d s Randi Jo Page a n d O l i v i a M i l e s