Magazine /May 2018 21
Hi everyone, I’m Jim Vestovich, the owner of Grass Roots Lawn Care Service based out of Pittsburgh, Pa. I would like to share my experiences so far in the landscape and lawn care industry. So my story starts way back in the year 1995. During that year I entered the Army as a cannon crewmember and was headed for my first assignment in the small town of Bamberg, Germany. I was nineteen at the time and was just a private E2. During those first two years I was fortunate enough to be surrounded by great leadership and other soldiers that excelled in their respective positions. My first section chief, a man named Gregory Jackson, was a wealth of military knowledge and was one of the best leaders a new soldier could ever have! I learned early on that all he really wanted was to be number one at any cost. He was stern and strict, but I figured out that if I put all of my energy into learning my position within his crew that I would be heavily rewarded. He was so fair in his acknowledgement of my effort that excelling under his leadership. During my almost nine years of active duty service, I would encounter many great leaders that taught me many great life lessons, techniques, and strategies to win in the game of life.
In 2004 I entered the civilian world and thought that life consisted of just getting a solid job and earning a great living, but something was missing. Since 2004 I have been a steelworker, a state prison corrections officer, a commercial driver, and other various positions. Somehow with all of the great pay and benefits I still was not happy. My last job was driving a city tractor trailer delivering beer to various distributors and bars.
Quality From The Ground Up
BY: Jim Vestovich